Friday, April 25, 2014

- Going from good reads to Great Reads

Reading a sentence and getting it worked out so it sounds idea driven is fairly straight forward work.
VoiceOver artists from pros to beginners learn to do this pretty well. The real work begins after a person can do this.
Multiple takes in a studio are done to find different shades of meaning and nuance. They are not done to figure out the meaning of the copy, all of that should be done before the session.
Time is money in a studio or anywhere else for that matter.
It's relatively easy to do a good read, it's much harder to learn to do great reads. Repetition is the main ingredient. Once it's a good read, repetition will reveal nuances and other possibilities that make the read naturally persuasive. Many times a client isn't sure what they want, so it's up to us VO artists to keep giving them variations until they jump up and say "That's great, do it like that again".
Our ability to hear nuance and variations will develop as we learn to rehearse over and over. Record and play back, record and play back. Greater awareness and artistic control are a direct result of how much flying time we log.